Kate Kamoshita
Founder at Learning compass
I studied abroad at 17 in Italy for a year with AFS and this was the start of many international education adventures. I graduated cum laude from American University in Washington D,C with a degree in Visual Media. AT AU, I worked in the study abroad department as a student advisor and went abroad to Prague and Cape Town. Since 2006, I have been living and working in Japan learning about youth, education, Japanese and study abroad. I want to now use my expertise to help you navigate and find your path.

My Credentials
Education Consultant & Founder at Learning Compass
MA International Education, Sophia University
Hi, I’m Kelly and I’m assisting Kate here at Learning Compass! I’m from Northern California and have lived in Japan for over 10 years. I’m a mom of two little ones plus a pup. I love to be outside in nature, riding my bicycle and traveling.

Richard McCracken
Hi! I am Kate’s lead designer and website guru. I specialize in branding packages and simple to use WordPress websites for small businesses. I’ve been in Japan for over a decade and am always looking for new collaborators!